8 years too long

Believe the indefinite detention of refugees is wrong and harmful? You may want to be part of a public witness to bring public attention to the 8th anniversary of Australia’s indefinite offshore detention of asylum seekers. (A brief history here)

In Adelaide on Sunday July 18th, there will be an opportunity to remember and stand with those still suffering ongoing indefinite detention – 8 Years and still increasing. Gathering will be at 2pm at Tarntanyangga / Victoria Square, and then walking to the Vietnamese Boat People Monument (next to the River at the end of Kintore Ave), with speakers telling of the unjustifiable harm being done. Facebook event details here.

On 19th July 2013, Kevin Rudd announced that all asylum seekers coming by boat would be sent offshore, and never be settled in Australia. Over 3500 were subsequently taken offshore by force. Many of these people continue to this day to be detained, without charge, indefinitely. Quite possibly to the end of their earthly life. For 13 that has been the case, with death in detention by medical neglect, suicide, and murder. The Australian Parliament (LNP with Labor support) has recently changed our laws to allow indefinite detention, without any charge, to continue. Over 1000 are still waiting for settlement – enduring and despairing. About 230 remain offshore in harsh conditions, in Port Moresby and Nauru; 70 in oppressive locked detention in Australia, 500 in community detention, and 500 on a 6 month ‘departure visa’ with nowhere to go.

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians states:”Australian held (locked) detention is harmful to the physical and mental health of people of all ages in the short and long term.”

We have seen the expected harm unfold year by year. Indefinite detention without charge or trial should be anathema to anyone who has any concern for others as fellow human beings.

Will you be part of opposing the appalling harm of indefinite detention and calling for a home for these vulnerable and suffering people?

Hosted by Adelaide Vigil for Manus and Nauru.