Climate action letter-writing campaign

A message from Leigh Newton

I write as a Corresponding Member of the UCA SA Environmental Action Group (EAG) and as a representative of the multi-faith organisation, Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC). I wish to invite your congregation(s) to participate in a letter-writing campaign to Prime Minister Scott Morrison about the need for climate action. Our hope is that we are able to mobilise the enormous goodwill within the UCA for taking climate action and encourage individuals within congregations to write to the Prime Minister and express their concern.

We are hoping that congregations will organise a time when individuals handwrite letters to PM Morrison, perhapsas part of morning tea on a Sunday or in a worship service during July or August.  These letters will then be bundled together and sent to ARRCC. 

Campaign background

In order to encourage people to use their own words, letter templates are not being provided, however a letter-writing guide has been provided

Letter-writing guide

The plan is that people of faith from many parts of the country write to the PM as part of a massive global multi-religious ‘Faiths 4 Climate JusticeDay of Action. Details can be found here.  We understand that action by people of faith is viewed seriously by parliamentarians, and that paper letters actually get read, so we are encouraged not to underestimate the value of letter-writing. 

This is the address to send the bundled letters, which will then be forwarded to Prime Minister Morrison:

ARRCC, 11 Ashby St,  Kingsgrove  NSW  2208

Letters need to arrive by Friday September 10th. This means that Sunday 5th September is the last possible Sunday for congregations to be involved. 

It is asked that you write your suburb or town on the back of the envelope to assist ARRCC know where the letters have been written.  Thanks for your consideration of this action. 

Yours in Christ

Leigh Newton 

on behalf of the Environment Action Group