Category: Refugees and asylum seekers

8 years too long

Believe the indefinite detention of refugees is wrong and harmful? You may want to be part of a public witness to bring public attention to the 8th anniversary of Australia’s indefinite offshore detention of asylum seekers. (A brief history here) In Adelaide on Sunday July 18th, there will be an opportunity to remember and stand...

Bridging visas for Biloela family

Biloela family: Temporary visa not all it seems South Australian refugee advocates are drawing attention to the recent actions of the Federal Government as it responds to the tide of national concern about the plight of the Murugappan family, who had been living in Biloela prior to being taken into immigration detention, and whose daughter...

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Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce shares vision of new season of community support for refugees and asylum seekers In a meeting at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday 17th June, a delegation from the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) met with the office of the Hon Alex Hawke MP Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services...

#Game Over

Rob Floyd, Assembly Associate General Secretary and Chairperson of the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce, urges people to be vocal in advocacy and join in with thousands of others seeking to bring about justice, dignity and a fair go for those who remain trapped in our Government’s unjust system. 4183 people have been affected by Australia’s...

Indefinite detention becomes law

A new bill recently passed into Australian law (Migration Amendment Bill 2021, passed on May 13) will allow the Government to detain refugees and asylum seekers indefinitely, a move human rights activists, lawyers and immigration advocates say is unethical, and illegal under international human rights law. The new law will allow Australia to hold refugees...

Tharnicaa & Christmas Island

Thursday 10th June updateHome Affairs Minister Karen Andrews has ruled out NZ or US resettlement for Biloela Tamil family, just days after New Zealand and the US were raised as options for the family’s future. Minister Andrews now says neither are possible. Marise Payne had also flagged both countries as options for the Biloela Tamil...

Refugee Week 2021 @ Pilgrim

‘Celebrating with Refugees’ at Pilgrim Uniting Church Pilgrim’s Circle of Friends and Community Connections will jointly be hosting a special event, ‘Celebrating with Refugees’ during Refugee Week 2021. The event will enrich participants as we learn about the achievements and success from a diverse group of refugees who are looking forwards to sharing milestones and...

Adelaide Refugee Supporters

Adelaide Refugee Supporters Venue: 55 Currie Street, Adelaide (Outside Allianz building or Dept of Foreign Affairs)Weekly action: Wednesdays, 12-1pmThe Adelaide Refugee Supporters are seeking a permanent solution for 30 000 people Australia wide that are stuck on temporary or bridging visas, some for more than ten years. In Adelaide, there are approximately 600 people in...